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Message from Soil

Shogo Nunoshita



Our ancestors described a person's life in another way: "People are born in the soil and return to the soil." This means that when humans end their lives, they will return to the soil again. The soil is ingrained with the soul of the deceased and the memories of those who lived there. If you can put your thoughts into the soil, it should be your messager and you should be able to send a message to your loved ones. At the workshop, we will write a message on the paper that returns to the soil and bury it in the soil to deliver your thoughts to those who cannot convey their thoughts in words.



1. Enter the partitioned space and calm your mind.
2. Think of your loved one and write the message you want to convey on the paper that returns to the soil.
3. Take the paper with the message and head to the back of the museum.
4. Bury the paper in the soil.

Where to participate

アートボード 1map_10.png

Program details

Number of participants

4 persons per turn


How to participate

Preparation: Nothing in particular is needed to participate in the workshop.


Requests and cautions for visitors

* Please do not touch objects hung in the Chashitsu.

* Your cooperation NOT to speak loudly will be highly appreciated.

* The structures of bamboo chashitsu may be fragile and the visitors are asked not to force them to move by hanging or leaning.



The workshop will take place in the occasion of the Artist's presence during the exhibition period. In the Artist's absence, the visitors can participate partially to the workshop.

Artist is present on the following dates: July 23-24 (a.m.)-25 (p.m.) -28-31, and August 1-4-7-8

* Details of each program may be subject to change without notice. In addition, the event at this venue may be canceled if a state of emergency or restrictions on the holding of events is announced by the government or prefectural authorities.

* In order to avoid close contact, we are limiting the number of people who can enter the exhibition. For this reason you may have to wait when crowded.


About the Artst

Shogo Nunoshita


Born in 1990 in Hiroshima. He currently studies and researches the expresson that comes out of combination of pottery and Urushi technique in the Doctoral course, Graduate School of Fine Arts of the Tokyo University of the Arts. Nunoshita's artistic practice is aimed at connecting the spirits of people through soil as a material. Under the theme: "People are born in the soil, and return to the soil", he created and exhibited Hitogata, human figure of soil, on the occasion of TURN in Tucuman (Quilmes, Argentina), in collaboration with local people, imagining the history of ancestries. After the project, he developes workshops where paritcipants create a memorable character out of the soil associated with the memory.


See the past activities for TURN project by the Artist: Shogo Nunoshita


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